XP-Style Controls In Visual Basic 6
This post was imported from an old blog archive, and predates the creation of AdamCaudill.com. This is a quick and dirty overview of how to get those ever so coveted XP controls in your application. There is a lot of detail I’m leaving out, but you should get the point, if you want more detail a google search or two should give you plenty of info. Let’s get started…. First you need to make a manifest file, this is just a plain text file that tells Windows how to treat you program.
Read more…CloseApp
This post was imported from an old blog archive, and predates the creation of AdamCaudill.com. This is a useful function to close a program based on a windows caption, this should work for any top-level window. Paste all this into a standard module, save it. Then call CloseApp("Notepad") or whatever the name of the window is, it’s nice & simple and should close the program instantly. This requires Windows 2000 plus, for older versions of Windows a different method is required, that isn’t covered here, seeing as Windows 2000 and better require special privileges to forcefully close a program.
Read more…The SWEBS Project & The SWEBS Control Center
This post was imported from an old blog archive, and predates the creation of AdamCaudill.com. I’m currently serving as the project manager & user interface designer for the project, here is the project’s goal & mission statement: “The SWEBS Web Server is designed to be an easy to use web server that offers the functionality of enterprise web servers but with a very easy to use and configure interface. It is created as a learning tool to be used by anyone new to web development.
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