Adam Caudill

Security Leader, Researcher, Developer, Writer, & Photographer

  • Still using AWStats?

    This post was imported from an old blog archive, and predates the creation of If you’re using AWStats v5.7 – 6.2, you’re life just got even worse than it was. As you should know, those version are vulnerable to a now widely known exploit that gives an attacker your server, now here’s where it gets even worse: There’s a new exploit floating around that works on not one, but all three of the methods being used.

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  • Online!

    This post was imported from an old blog archive, and predates the creation of (the blogging site for Visual Basic experts) is finally online, after all this time, and many strugles with various blog solutions, it’s up, yay… With WordPress-MU being massively buggy and .Text requiring a Ms SQL server that I don’t have, I finally resorted to just using several copies of WordPress 1.5, keeping it up to date will be a challenge, but meh… Better than waiting and delaying the project even more.

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  • phpBB 2.0.13 released – dumb*ss coders strike again

    This post was imported from an old blog archive, and predates the creation of In the latest round of embarrassing updates, the phpBB Group has released a new version of phpBB, 2.0.13, to fix a large, and obvious security error allow anyone to gain admin rights, oh, just to make it better, it works on all version < 2.0.13. With a POC floating around, let the hacking begin. Update: A working exploit was released, showing just how simple it is to wreak havoc.

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  • Suicide Bomb Kills 125

    This post was imported from an old blog archive, and predates the creation of Iraqi workers clean debris near a large pool of blood at the scene of a suicide attack in the city of Hilla, February 28, 2005. (Source) Something has to change…

  • Random User-Agent in VB.NET

    This post was imported from an old blog archive, and predates the creation of Here’s a simple little example of a dynamic User-Agent in VB.NET. It uses a fairly large list of UA strings, and uses 1 randomly. The code is fairly simple, should be easy to add to any application that needs it. Code Module modRandomUA Dim strUA() As String Public Sub BuildList() Dim sr As IO.StreamReader sr = New IO.

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  • Why would somebody do that to Eric?

    This post was imported from an old blog archive, and predates the creation of It seems the personal web site of Eric Sink has been hacked & defaced. Why? What drives people to do such heartless acts? Eric takes his valuable time to help so many people and share his valuable insight, and some miscreant hacker wannabe comes along and does this. It’s wrong, in so many ways, it’s just wrong.

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  • My greatest work!

    This post was imported from an old blog archive, and predates the creation of I am thrilled! I have done it! I have completed the most useful program ever developed… at least if you are like me and hit Caps-Lock every couple minutes. I know, I had you all excited, but although this really isn’t that great, it was fun to hack together and at least I’ll use it. You can get the exe, sounds and code here.

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  • ZipSight 2004.1 Released

    This post was imported from an old blog archive, and predates the creation of Imspire’s smallest product has just received an update. After a couple days of implementing a new registration system and cleaning up the code, the latest ZipSight is ready for public review.

  • Simple INI API

    This post was imported from an old blog archive, and predates the creation of While storing settings in a INI file is no longer in vogue, so developers (including myself) still find value in this old method of save a program’s settings. The advantages of using INI files instead of the system registry may be numerous, one of the main reasons I use it is portability, by saving a single file I can move the entire settings for my program to any other computer.

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  • Get CPU Speed

    This post was imported from an old blog archive, and predates the creation of This was created as a request on a forum I’m on, it queries the registry for the speed of the first CPU, adjusting for multiple CPU support would be simple. Option Explicit Private Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" ( _ ByVal hKey As Long, _ ByVal lpSubKey As String, _ phkResult As Long _ ) As Long Private Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32.

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