Adam Caudill

Security Leader, Researcher, Developer, Writer, & Photographer

  • On Apple, Privacy, and Device Control

    If you’ve bothered to look at Twitter or any technology news source, you’ve seen that Apple made a major announcement: Expanded Protections for Children. This has been written about by countless outlets, so I’ll assume you’re familiar with the basics. The announcement covered a few new features being added to the next version of Apple’s operating systems, namely: Scanning of inbound and outbound messages for sexually explicit images. Scanning images being uploaded to iCloud for CSAM.

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  • Declaring War on Ransomware

    It’s time for everyone from the industry, developers, and the government to declare war on ransomware and make it as hard as possible for them to ply their insidious trade. There have been false starts and baby steps, diligent fighters without enough resources, and vendors that have only given a nod to the issue. It’s time to use every tool reasonably available to stop this scourge. For so many in the industry that have dedicated so much of their time and effort to this fight, this statement may seem to diminish their efforts, but that is not my intent.

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  • On Automatic Updates and Supply Chain Attacks

    Once again, a supply chain attack is in the news; this time, it’s a ransomware attack against Kaseya which has impacted hundreds if not thousands of businesses. According to Kevin Beaumont, the attackers used a 0day vulnerability in the Kaseya VSA appliance to deploy a fake update to all systems it managed; that update is actually the REvil ransomware. As this is a VSA is used by Managed Service Providers (MSPs), this resulted in an attack not just on the MSPs but also their customers.

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  • LinkedIn: The Breach That Isn't but Is

    The definition of a data breach seems to be reasonably straightforward and easy to understand — but that isn’t always the case. LinkedIn is back in the news thanks to a dataset containing profile information for 700 million records being traded among the darker actors on the internet. But LinkedIn is very clear about how they view this situation: This was not a LinkedIn data breach and our investigation has determined that no private LinkedIn member data was exposed.

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  • Crew Resource Management for Security Teams

    Over the last year or so, I’ve become quite a fan of Air Disasters, a television show dedicated to analyzing plane crashes and similar incidents. As I watched the show, I started seeing many ways that the lessons and procedures around aircraft safety also apply to running a security team; this valuable and hard-won wisdom, often born out of tragedy, can be of significant impact if appropriately applied. In this article, I will explore Crew Resource Management and how it can be applied to Information Security to make teams run better.

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  • Best Practices vs Inane Practices

    A Full Vindication of the Measures of Security Practitioners, from the Calumnies of their Enemies; In Answer to A Letter, Under the Signature of A. Gwinn. Whereby His Sophistry is exposed, his Cavils confuted, his Artifices detected, and his Wit ridiculed; in a General Address To the public, And A Particular Address To the dedicated members of the security community. Veritas magna est & prœvalebit. Friends and Colleagues, It was hardly to be expected that any man could be so presumptuous as to openly controvert the equity, wisdom, and authority of the measures, adopted by the practitioners of information security: a group truly dedicated to the protection of business and individuals around the world!

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  • Insane Ideas: Stock in People

    This is part of the Insane Ideas series. A group of blog posts that detail ideas, possible projects, or concepts that may be of interest. These are ideas that I don’t plan to pursue, and are thus available to any and all that would like to do something with them. I hope you find some inspiration – or at least some amusement in this. There are many ways to invest in a variety of things, though there is one hugely promising front that has barely begun to emerge, that could have massive potential for profit, and incredible ramifications: the ability to invest in individuals.

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  • Proposal: Association of Security Researchers

    Security researchers play an important role in the industry, though one that doesn’t always receive the support needed. In this post, I am proposing the creation of a new non-profit entity, the International Association of Information Security Research Professionals (IAISRP), as a supporting group to push research forward, and provide the tools and resources to improve the quality of work, and the quality of life for those involved in this vital work.

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  • The (Questionable) Future of YAWAST

    The last release of YAWAST was on January 1, 2020; while the release history was sometimes unpredictable, the goal was a new release each month with new features and bug fixes. I intentionally took January off from the project. In February, I left the company I was at; the team of penetration testers there had helped to inspire new features while looking for ways to make them more productive. But something else happened in February, an issue was opened – something that appeared to be simple, but in fact, made me realize that the entire project was in doubt.

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  • Leading Experts

    A friend of mine recently asked for my thoughts on leading people who have more experience or expertise in a topic than they do; this is an important question and one that I felt deserved more thought and exploration. Leading people can be difficult, but when leading people that know more than you do about a given topic, it’s a different challenge. This was particularly well-timed, as I’ve found myself in just that situation, as I’ve just hired a specialist in incident response.

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