Adam Caudill

Security Leader, Researcher, Developer, Writer, & Photographer

  • Starting a Business?

    I just ran across an announcement for a new Microsoft product, Office Accounting 2007 Express. This is a free, and surprisingly full featured accounting package aimed at small businesses. If you run a business, or plan on starting one, this looks like a great addition to your tech-toolkit. I’ll post more on this again once I have time to review it more thoroughly.

  • Vertical Column Indicator for Visual Studio

    The coding guidelines at my job have a rather interesting requirement: code must be wrapped at 100 characters. If you fail to meet this on any line of code, you fail the code review. In the year I’ve worked at this company I’ve learned to guess how long a line is quite well. As of today, no more guessing. Here’s a quick registry hack to add a vertical line in the editor at any column you wish, just double click the REG file and you’re set.

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  • Site Updates

    This weekend I’ve made a few upgrades to the site, a software upgrade, a few new plugins as well as some tweaks to clean things up. Hopefully these changes will make the site a bit more useful, and remove some clutter from the main page, so that you are presented with content, and all the ’extras’ will be tucked away. WordPress 2.0.5 I’ve upgraded to the newly released WordPress 2.0.5, the software that power this site.

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  • Optimus: First Sign of Life

    Those of you that are into computer gadgets have surely heard of the now quite famous Optimus keyboard – the (once) OLED powered keyboard that has caused quite a stir. Recent, word came from the team that Optimus will not be using OLEDs, the belief since then is that it will use LCD instead. Well, after many, many months of waiting to see proof that Optimus will live, finally, we see a key.

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  • Internet Explorer 7 Released

    For those of you that are interested, IE7 has been released. After following the progress of the next generation of IE since March of last year, I’ve got to say, I’m really excited to see it go public. The only real surprise for me with this announcement is that many expected the Mozilla Foundation to release Firefox 2.0 prior to Internet Explorer’s big release, yet no word from them. I’m wondering if there were more issues in the RC2 release that delayed the launch.

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  • Startup Mistakes

    For those looking to get into the startup/ISV scene, Paul Graham’s latest work is a great read. The 18 Mistakes that Kill Startups takes an interesting look at some of the larger issues to avoid while forming a new company. Personally, I’d call this one a must read.

  • bbPress Released

    After 2 years, my favorite forum software has been officially released. I’ve been a big fan of bbPress since it’s early days, I even had at least one patch accepted. So I guess one could say I was a developer on the project (although, a very minor one). It’s great to see this project make it. If you’re looking for high-quality PHP-based forum solution without the weight of something like vB, then bbPress is the answer.

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  • Final Vista Public Beta Released

    The final public beta build (5744) of the next generation of Windows has been released (via shell: revealed). With this announcement it looks like Vista will indeed be on time. For awhile I was wondering if Vista had any chance of making it, but it seems that it will indeed. While this is certainly good news, the RTM build is the one that has my interest. Playing with a release candidate can be fun, there’s no doubt about it; but the real fun starts when you can see how things work and behave on the final – (hopefully) working build.

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  • Not a good idea…

    I’ve been both a subscriber and fan of Valleyschwag since it was launched, that is, until yesterday. And not by my choice mind you, they canceled everybodies subscription. When the second issue was shipped in late May, they reported having over 1,500 members each paying $15 a month for the service. I can only guess what the subscriber count would look like now, after having a few months to grow.

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  • A look into Vista

    Ever wondered how they do things inside of Microsoft? As a developer that makes extensive uses of Microsoft technologies and tools, I’m always interested in an insight into their development process. Well, if you’re like me, then I may have a real treat for you. Vinny Pasceri, the AERO Program Manager for Microsoft has posted an great insight on the (fairly new) Windows Client Team Blog. This is a great peak into what the design process looks like, and even includes what may be the first publicly released feature spec.

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