Security By Buzzword – Why I don’t support Ensafer
Update: I had a call with Ensafer’s CTO, Trygve Hardersen to discuss the issues I brought up, and what they can do about it. First, they updated the site so that downloads are now over HTTPS. He stated that the infrastructure that powers their service is separate from the website, and everything is over HTTPS. They are working on making documentation available, and hope to have the first documents available soon.
Read more…HTTP Considered Harmful – The Need For Negative Feedback
We all know, and well understand what this means when we see it in a browser: It means that the connection is encrypted, and that some degree of validation has occurred to verify that the server is who it claims to be. Through the years, users have been taught to trust sites when they see that, or the all too familiar ’lock’ icon – when users see it, they assume their data is safe.
Read more…On Opportunistic Encryption
Opportunistic encryption has become quite a hot topic recently, and blew up in a big way thanks to an Internet Draft that was published on February 14th for what amounts to sanctioned man-in-the-middle. Privacy advocates were quickly up in arms – but it’s not that simple (see here). As pointed out by Brad Hill, this isn’t about HTTPS traffic, but HTTP traffic using unauthenticated TLS; thanks to poor wording in the document, it’s easy to miss that fact if you just skim it.
Read more…Evernote for Windows, Arbitrary File Download via Update
Update: The Evernote security has reported that this issue is resolved. Evernote for Windows downloads its update information via HTTP, making it subject to man-in-the-middle attacks – further, this allows an attacker to specify an arbitrary file for the updater to download. The good news is that Evernote will not execute the file thanks to signature validation – but the file isn’t removed, so it’s available for later use. As the file isn’t executed, it isn’t a critical issue.
Read more…VICIDIAL: Multiple Vulnerabilities
Update: The VICIDIAL team has publicly released a new version that, according to them, has corrected the issues I’ve pointed out here. Please make sure you are using the latest version available. If you aren’t sure if your instance is safe, contact your friendly local penetration tester to verify it’s secure as you expect it to be. Update: The SQL Injection vulnerability has been assigned CVE-2013-4467, and Command Injection assigned CVE-2013-4468.
Read more…Worried about the NSA? Try AES-512!
…or, The Cost of Wild Speculation. “We need to boost our security – I think the NSA has broken everything we use. AES-256 is too weak, I don’t trust it. Find a way to implement AES-512.” Double-AES-256! It’d be easy, and double encrypting has never bitten us before. So, let’s write some code! def encrypt(msg, iv, key) return e(e(msg, iv, key.slice(0..31)), iv, key.slice(32..63)) end def decrypt(cipher, iv, key) return d(d(cipher, iv, key.
Read more…Crypto, the NSA, and Broken Trust
Even as a child I was fascinated by cryptography – and often left the local librarians with puzzled looks thanks to the books I would check out. It’s so elegantly simple, and yet massively complex. There is one very unusual property of crypto though – it’s not about math or modes, it’s about trust. Cryptography, especially as used today, has the most wonderful dichotomy of trust; on one hand crypto, by its very nature, is used in situations lacking trust.
Read more…Making Android NSA-Proof
As it turns out, it’s quite easy to make your Android phone NSA-proof. It’s a simple method, and anyone can do it – all you need is a few ounces of thermite! Too extreme? Tools & Tips Let’s shoot for something a little more attainable – spy resistant. We can’t stop every attack, but we can reduce the attack surface a bit. Here are a few tools that I’ve been using recently to do just that.
Read more…Is moving offshore really crazy?
Today ZDNet published an article titled “The lunacy of trying to avoid NSA spying by moving e-mail and cloud out of the US” – I’m still trying to figure out if the position is naive, or intentionally ignores important facts. In short, the author (Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols) states that your data is safer in the US because outside of the US, the NSA has much less restrictive rules to operate under.
Read more…Hash Storage: Make Attackers Work
So you hash your passwords? Good. Do you salt? That’s good. Do you use a strong hashing algorithm (PBKDF2/bcrypt/scrypt)? Great! But how do you store the hashes? What happens when you get hit with a SQL injection attack? I’m a big believer in defense in-depth – not that marketing garbage about stacking layers of blinky-light boxes, but using techniques to add extra work for an attacker. You might not be able to stop every attack, but the more work they have to do, the better the odds they won’t get everything they want.
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