Adam Caudill

Security Leader, Researcher, Developer, Writer, & Photographer

When Hashing isn’t Hashing

Anyone working in application security has found themselves saying something like this a thousand times: “always hash passwords with a secure password hashing function.” I’ve said this phrase at nearly all of the developer events I’ve spoken at, it’s become a mantra of sorts for many of us that try to improve the security of applications. We tell developers to hash passwords, then we have to qualify it to explain that it isn’t normal hashing.

In practically every use-case, hashing should be as fast as possible – and cryptographic hashing functions are designed with this in mind. The primary exception to this is password hashing, instead of using one of the standard hashing functions such as SHA2 or SHA3, a key derivation function (KDF) is recommended as they are slower, and the performance (or cost) can be tuned based on the required security level and acceptable system impact. The recommended list of KDFs look something like this:

  • Argon2
  • scrypt
  • bcrypt
  • PBKDF2

When the security community is telling developers to hash passwords, what we really mean is to apply a key derivation function – with appropriate cost values. What this means is, when we use the term ‘hash’ with developers it could mean two very different things depending on the context, and they may well not be aware of that. With too many developers not understanding what hashing even is, relying on them to understand that the meaning changes depending on context is just setting them up for failure.

Encrypting Passwords #

All too often, we hear discussions of encrypting passwords, and this often comes in one of two forms:

  • In a breach notification, it’s quite common to see a vendor say that passwords were encrypted, but when pressed for details, they reveal that they were actually hashed. This has often led to a great deal of criticism within the infosec echo chamber, though I’ve long felt that the term ’encrypt’ was used intentionally, even though it’s incorrect. This is because the general public understands (generally) that ’encrypt’ means that the data is protected – they have no idea what hashed means. I see this as a situation where public relations takes priority over technical accuracy – and to be honest, I can’t entirely disagree with that decision.
  • Those that know that cryptographic protection is / should be applied to passwords, but aren’t familiar with the techniques or terminology of cryptography. In these cases, it’s a lack of education – for those of us that work with cryptography on a daily basis, it’s easy to forget that we operate in a very complex arena that few others understand to any degree. Educating developers is critical, and there are many people putting a heroic level of effort into teaching anyone that will listen.

I point this out because anytime encrypting passwords is mentioned, the reaction is too frequently vitriolic instead of trying to understand why the term was used, or offering to educate those that are trying to do what’s right, but don’t know better.

Is hashing passwords wrong? #

Obviously passwords should be processed through a key derivation function, but is it wrong to tell developers to hash passwords? By using a term that is context dependant, are we adding unnecessary confusion? Is there a better way to describe what we mean?

In 2013, Marsh Ray suggested the term ‘PASH’ – and that is one of many suggestions that have come up over the years to better differentiate hashing and password hashing. The movement to define a more meaningful term has been restarted by Scott Arciszewski, quite possibly the hardest working person in application security now; he has been leading a war on insecure advice on Stack Overflow, giving him a great insight into the cost of poor terminology.

If the security community switched to a term such as ‘pash’ to describe applying a KDF with an appropriate cost to a password, it would greatly simplify communication, and set clear expectations. As password hashing is a completely different operation from what hashing means in almost every other instance, it makes sense to call it something different.

To advance the state of application security, it’s important to ensure that developers understand what we mean – clear communication is critical. This is a topic that isn’t clear to developers, and thus requires somebody explain what hashing means in the context of passwords. Countless hours are invested it explaining how passwords should be handled, and that normal hashing and password hashing are different – this could be simplified with a single descriptive term.

Path forward #

The challenge with this is coming to a consensus that a change is needed, and what term should be used. Obviously, there is no governing body for the community – a term is used, or not used. Personally, I feel a change is indeed needed, and I would back the use of ‘pash’ as suggested by Marsh Ray. I believe it’s a reasonably descriptive term, and is distinctive enough to clarify that it is different from normal hashing.

I would like to see broad discussion in the community on this topic, and hopefully a broad enough consensus is reached that the term can be well defined and used broadly. We need to do a better job of instructing developers, and clear terminology is a critical part of that.

Adam Caudill

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