Adam Caudill

Security Leader, Researcher, Developer, Writer, & Photographer

Yahoo’s Associated Content Hacked?

Image: Photo by Nahel Abdul Hadi on Unsplash

Update: TrustedSec has a write up:

Earlier today a group called “D33Ds Company” released a large (17MB) dump from a Yahoo server. The dump includes information from a MySQL database, and the email addresses and passwords from over 450k users. Based on some of the emails and the naming of the tables, I suspect that the data is from Associated Content – a company that Yahoo bought in 2010, and closed in 2011 – replacing it with Yahoo Voices.

#     [ - Owned and Exposed - ]       #
# Brought to you by the D33Ds Company #
#   #
# Target: <censored>        #
# Method: Union-based SQL Injection   #
#   #

The group that released the dump “censored” the name of the server in question, but they neglected to clear the HOSTNAME field in the MySQL information, exposing the server name:

I’ve used the great Pipal script to perform some analysis on the passwords:

Total entries = 442786
Total unique entries = 342479

Top 10 passwords
123456 = 1666 (0.38%)
password = 780 (0.18%)
welcome = 437 (0.1%)
ninja = 333 (0.08%)
abc123 = 250 (0.06%)
123456789 = 222 (0.05%)
12345678 = 208 (0.05%)
sunshine = 205 (0.05%)
princess = 202 (0.05%)
qwerty = 172 (0.04%)

Top 10 base words
password = 1374 (0.31%)
welcome = 535 (0.12%)
qwerty = 464 (0.1%)
monkey = 430 (0.1%)
jesus = 429 (0.1%)
love = 421 (0.1%)
money = 407 (0.09%)
freedom = 385 (0.09%)
ninja = 380 (0.09%)
sunshine = 367 (0.08%)

Password length (length ordered)
1 = 117 (0.03%)
2 = 70 (0.02%)
3 = 302 (0.07%)
4 = 2748 (0.62%)
5 = 5323 (1.2%)
6 = 79615 (17.98%)
7 = 65600 (14.82%)
8 = 119126 (26.9%)
9 = 65958 (14.9%)
10 = 54756 (12.37%)
11 = 21219 (4.79%)
12 = 21730 (4.91%)
13 = 2657 (0.6%)
14 = 1493 (0.34%)
15 = 837 (0.19%)
16 = 570 (0.13%)
17 = 263 (0.06%)
18 = 126 (0.03%)
19 = 89 (0.02%)
20 = 178 (0.04%)
21 = 11 (0.0%)
22 = 8 (0.0%)
23 = 3 (0.0%)
24 = 3 (0.0%)
27 = 2 (0.0%)
28 = 5 (0.0%)
29 = 3 (0.0%)
30 = 2 (0.0%)

Password length (count ordered)
8 = 119126 (26.9%)
6 = 79615 (17.98%)
9 = 65958 (14.9%)
7 = 65600 (14.82%)
10 = 54756 (12.37%)
12 = 21730 (4.91%)
11 = 21219 (4.79%)
5 = 5323 (1.2%)
4 = 2748 (0.62%)
13 = 2657 (0.6%)
14 = 1493 (0.34%)
15 = 837 (0.19%)
16 = 570 (0.13%)
3 = 302 (0.07%)
17 = 263 (0.06%)
20 = 178 (0.04%)
18 = 126 (0.03%)
1 = 117 (0.03%)
19 = 89 (0.02%)
2 = 70 (0.02%)
21 = 11 (0.0%)
22 = 8 (0.0%)
28 = 5 (0.0%)
23 = 3 (0.0%)
24 = 3 (0.0%)
29 = 3 (0.0%)
30 = 2 (0.0%)
27 = 2 (0.0%)

      | |
      | |

One to six characters = 88169 (19.91%)
One to eight characters = 272893 (61.63%)
More than eight characters = 169893 (38.37%)

Only lowercase alpha = 146488 (33.08%)
Only uppercase alpha = 1778 (0.4%)
Only alpha = 148266 (33.48%)
Only numeric = 26078 (5.89%)

First capital last symbol = 1259 (0.28%)
First capital last number = 17465 (3.94%)

january = 106 (0.02%)
february = 30 (0.01%)
march = 192 (0.04%)
april = 284 (0.06%)
may = 725 (0.16%)
june = 386 (0.09%)
july = 245 (0.06%)
august = 238 (0.05%)
september = 68 (0.02%)
october = 182 (0.04%)
november = 154 (0.03%)
december = 130 (0.03%)

monday = 48 (0.01%)
tuesday = 15 (0.0%)
wednesday = 9 (0.0%)
thursday = 18 (0.0%)
friday = 47 (0.01%)
saturday = 6 (0.0%)
sunday = 30 (0.01%)

Months (Abreviated)
jan = 1007 (0.23%)
feb = 172 (0.04%)
mar = 4718 (1.07%)
apr = 472 (0.11%)
may = 725 (0.16%)
jun = 797 (0.18%)
jul = 656 (0.15%)
aug = 504 (0.11%)
sept = 184 (0.04%)
oct = 425 (0.1%)
nov = 519 (0.12%)
dec = 404 (0.09%)

Days (Abreviated)
mon = 4428 (1.0%)
tues = 16 (0.0%)
wed = 212 (0.05%)
thurs = 29 (0.01%)
fri = 479 (0.11%)
sat = 365 (0.08%)
sun = 1237 (0.28%)

Includes years
1975 = 255 (0.06%)
1976 = 266 (0.06%)
1977 = 278 (0.06%)
1978 = 332 (0.07%)
1979 = 339 (0.08%)
1980 = 353 (0.08%)
1981 = 331 (0.07%)
1982 = 359 (0.08%)
1983 = 338 (0.08%)
1984 = 392 (0.09%)
1985 = 367 (0.08%)
1986 = 361 (0.08%)
1987 = 413 (0.09%)
1988 = 360 (0.08%)
1989 = 401 (0.09%)
1990 = 304 (0.07%)
1991 = 276 (0.06%)
1992 = 251 (0.06%)
1993 = 218 (0.05%)
1994 = 202 (0.05%)
1995 = 147 (0.03%)
1996 = 171 (0.04%)
1997 = 140 (0.03%)
1998 = 155 (0.04%)
1999 = 189 (0.04%)
2000 = 617 (0.14%)
2001 = 404 (0.09%)
2002 = 404 (0.09%)
2003 = 345 (0.08%)
2004 = 424 (0.1%)
2005 = 496 (0.11%)
2006 = 572 (0.13%)
2007 = 765 (0.17%)
2008 = 1145 (0.26%)
2009 = 1052 (0.24%)
2010 = 338 (0.08%)
2011 = 92 (0.02%)
2012 = 130 (0.03%)
2013 = 50 (0.01%)
2014 = 28 (0.01%)
2015 = 24 (0.01%)
2016 = 25 (0.01%)
2017 = 26 (0.01%)
2018 = 33 (0.01%)
2019 = 84 (0.02%)
2020 = 163 (0.04%)

Years (Top 10)
2008 = 1145 (0.26%)
2009 = 1052 (0.24%)
2007 = 765 (0.17%)
2000 = 617 (0.14%)
2006 = 572 (0.13%)
2005 = 496 (0.11%)
2004 = 424 (0.1%)
1987 = 413 (0.09%)
2001 = 404 (0.09%)
2002 = 404 (0.09%)

black = 706 (0.16%)
blue = 1143 (0.26%)
brown = 221 (0.05%)
gray = 76 (0.02%)
green = 655 (0.15%)
orange = 250 (0.06%)
pink = 357 (0.08%)
purple = 346 (0.08%)
red = 2201 (0.5%)
white = 244 (0.06%)
yellow = 228 (0.05%)
violet = 66 (0.01%)
indigo = 35 (0.01%)

Single digit on the end = 47386 (10.7%)
Two digits on the end = 73636 (16.63%)
Three digits on the end = 31093 (7.02%)

Last number
0 = 17550 (3.96%)
1 = 46691 (10.54%)
2 = 24621 (5.56%)
3 = 29231 (6.6%)
4 = 17690 (4.0%)
5 = 17404 (3.93%)
6 = 17882 (4.04%)
7 = 20402 (4.61%)
8 = 17846 (4.03%)
9 = 19917 (4.5%)

 | |
 | |
||||| ||||

Last digit
1 = 46691 (10.54%)
3 = 29231 (6.6%)
2 = 24621 (5.56%)
7 = 20402 (4.61%)
9 = 19917 (4.5%)
6 = 17882 (4.04%)
8 = 17846 (4.03%)
4 = 17690 (4.0%)
0 = 17550 (3.96%)
5 = 17404 (3.93%)

Last 2 digits (Top 10)
23 = 12364 (2.79%)
12 = 6414 (1.45%)
11 = 5475 (1.24%)
01 = 5097 (1.15%)
00 = 4098 (0.93%)
21 = 3669 (0.83%)
08 = 3627 (0.82%)
07 = 3598 (0.81%)
22 = 3587 (0.81%)
13 = 3547 (0.8%)

Last 3 digits (Top 10)
123 = 9446 (2.13%)
456 = 2442 (0.55%)
234 = 2160 (0.49%)
007 = 1477 (0.33%)
000 = 1268 (0.29%)
008 = 1150 (0.26%)
009 = 1086 (0.25%)
111 = 1056 (0.24%)
777 = 980 (0.22%)
101 = 895 (0.2%)

Last 4 digits (Top 10)
3456 = 2150 (0.49%)
1234 = 1968 (0.44%)
2008 = 1033 (0.23%)
2009 = 927 (0.21%)
2345 = 750 (0.17%)
2007 = 674 (0.15%)
2000 = 535 (0.12%)
2006 = 502 (0.11%)
1111 = 436 (0.1%)
2005 = 436 (0.1%)

Last 5 digits (Top 10)
23456 = 2120 (0.48%)
12345 = 724 (0.16%)
56789 = 316 (0.07%)
45678 = 305 (0.07%)
11111 = 269 (0.06%)
34567 = 231 (0.05%)
54321 = 197 (0.04%)
00000 = 162 (0.04%)
99999 = 150 (0.03%)
23123 = 132 (0.03%)

US Area Codes
456 = Inbound International (--)
234 = NE Ohio: Canton, Akron (OH)

Character sets
loweralphanum: 224080 (50.61%)
loweralpha: 146488 (33.08%)
numeric: 26078 (5.89%)
mixedalphanum: 23235 (5.25%)
loweralphaspecialnum: 6067 (1.37%)
mixedalpha: 5121 (1.16%)
upperalphanum: 3416 (0.77%)
mixedalphaspecialnum: 3340 (0.75%)
loweralphaspecial: 2079 (0.47%)
upperalpha: 1778 (0.4%)
mixedalphaspecial: 486 (0.11%)
upperalphaspecialnum: 222 (0.05%)
specialnum: 188 (0.04%)
upperalphaspecial: 46 (0.01%)
special: 16 (0.0%)

Character set ordering
stringdigit: 185308 (41.85%)
allstring: 153387 (34.64%)
alldigit: 26078 (5.89%)
othermask: 25115 (5.67%)
digitstring: 24961 (5.64%)
stringdigitstring: 18676 (4.22%)
digitstringdigit: 4648 (1.05%)
stringspecialdigit: 2359 (0.53%)
stringspecial: 1111 (0.25%)
stringspecialstring: 833 (0.19%)
specialstringspecial: 168 (0.04%)
specialstring: 126 (0.03%)
allspecial: 16 (0.0%)

Adam Caudill

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