Adam Caudill

Security Leader, Researcher, Developer, Writer, & Photographer

Is this thing on?

Wow! It’s been over a year since this blog o’ mine has seen any activity, though I’ve certainly not forgot about it. A lot has happened in the last year, so I’ll use this post as a bit of an update (and a warm-up for my return to blogging).

I’m not going to promise you’ll see a new post daily as was once the case, though I’ll try to ensure something new is up at least once a week.

Mazda CX-7

Life – It’s been an exciting year; I’ve moved into a new house, now engaged (the big day is in May), and I’m now driving a Mazda CX-7. There’s a lot more, but I’ll not bore you with too many details.

The house is a restored 1880’s farmhouse that has some great history. Buying a house is an adventure, especially in this market. Scary might be a better word. The only real problem, is much like Jeff’s (of 37signals fame), it’s in the middle of nowhere. My solution for the Internet issue was to sign up for Satellite Internet; it’s laggy but it works.

The new ride replaced my ‘07 Jetta (which was a great car), the CX-7 has lots of power (244 HP), full-time all-wheel drive, and a very sporty feel. It’s a great car, and for a mid-size SUV it does pretty well on fuel.

Hosting – When I last posted I had been with RadicalV for a few weeks shy of four years. When I left they were pretty much falling apart – downtime was common, no support at all, and numerous other issues. Once I moved to the next host, it took them three months to cancel the account and stop billing me. It started out as the best host I’d ever used, and ended as the worst. My understanding is that the company was sold since then, so hopefully things have improved for their remaining customers.

After leaving RadicalV, I went a fairly new (at the time) host, HostingRails. I was mostly happy with them; great service, reasonable prices, and the very latest of everything. The major downside though was the server loads. It wasn’t uncommon for the load to be so high that it was grinding to a halt. Great service but it seems they are pretty oversold.

And now? I’m currently on Servage because of its clustered environment and low prices. As time goes on, I’ll post updates on how this one works out.

Dell Mini 9

Computers – My primary laptop has changed from my trusty Acer to the ultra mobile Dell Mini 9. At just over two pounds and up to four hours of battery life, it’s a carry anywhere on the go  type system. It’s great.

It’s not the cheapest of the so called netbooks, but with a little work it’s a great system. I’m running Windows 2008 Server with the Desktop Experience Pack. When configured correctly, it’s a killer system.

Work – I’m still at the same company, though my responsibilities have changed. I’ve crossed the line into management. I’ve often heard the joke that managing developers is more like herding cats – it’s quite true.

This Site – I’ve upgraded the site to the latest beta release of WordPress, 2.7 Beta 3. What does this mean for you? Not too much. If you have a blog, I highly recommend you upgrade. I upgraded from 2.2 and it was quite painless.

I’ll be posting on management styles and tools and tricks soon.

So, there we go – I think we’re all caught up now. 🙂

Adam Caudill

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