Adam Caudill

Security Leader, Researcher, Developer, Writer, & Photographer

Useful Notepad Tip

Notepad Feature

Here’s a great little feature I just heard about to make the always useful though mostly featureless Notepad utility even more useful. If you create a new file and put “.LOG” (case-sensitive) as the first thing in the file, each time you open the file after that it will append a timestamp to the end of the file. While you could just press the “F5” button to insert the timestamp, this does have the advantage of added simplicity.

Microsoft has a knowledge base article on this feature, it indicates that the feature is supported on Windows 98 & Me, but my tests indicate it is also present in 2000 & XP.

This is a great feature if you need to keep manual logs, I think this just might come in handy.

Adam Caudill

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