Could it really be? Rumors are flying that tomorrow (Tuesday) Google will open a beta for a new spreadsheet tool. This is quite a move, and one that will certainly turn up the heat on the Microsoft – Google rivalry.
Google Spreadsheet will have support for the Excel file format, a move that seems to be setting a direct course for competing with the ever popular Microsoft Office suite. When combined with the launch of Calendar and the acquisition of Writely, Google seems to have an eye of the market now controlled by Office.
Reports are that at 9AM, EDT Google Labs will be linking to the new application and allowing a limited number of sign-ups.
Recently a programmer I know decided that it was time for a career change, leaving the IT field entirely. This gave me cause to think; what does it take to be a great developer. Many people go through school believing they have what it takes, only to receive a rude awaking once they enter the real world.
Before I go on, I think it’s important to define what I mean by developer, and the differences between a developer and a programmer.
My employer recently completed the final audit to confirm ISO 17799 compliance, the process was a real eye opener. In a process that should have been fairly short & painless, the ordeal lasted close to a year, with me joining the company just before the second, and largest audit. That made my first few weeks rather interesting, to say the least.
While 17799 does have some complex requirements, most of the issues found had more to do with the overall mentality than with the true technical issues involved.
Piracy is bad, right? Maybe not, and it seems Microsoft figured it out. Piracy can be indirectly profitable, both by giving you additional customers that you may collect from at some future point, and it also serves to reduce or limit the market share of rivals. Microsoft chairman, Bill Gates, acknowledged this back in 1998 while speaking at the University of Washington, saying:
Although about 3 million computers get sold every year in China, people don’t pay for the software.
Today is a red letter day in the history of Twitter, though not in a good way. Twitter has a long reputation of free speech, providing a platform for all that wanted it, easily connecting to the powerful, building communities, and organising against tyranny. This didn’t come without controversy of course; in the effort to keep the platform safe, more and more moderation was implemented - sometimes the got it right, sometimes they got it wrong.
During a recent discussion about the DarkMatter CA on a Mozilla mailing list, it was found that their 64-bit serial numbers weren’t actually 64 bits, and it opened a can of worms. It turns out that the serial number was effectively 63 bits, which is a violation of the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements that state it must contain 64 bits of output from a secure random number generator (CSPRNG). As a result of this finding, 2,000,000 certificates or more may need to be replaced by Google, Apple, GoDaddy and various others.