Valleyschwag has delivered! There for a couple days I was worried as the middle of the month went by without a word, but on Friday, word went out that the schwag shipped. And today, just four days later, it has arrived.
I’ll admit, I was a bit unsure about this idea at first, but now that I’ve got my hands on this pile o’ goodies, I’m hooked. Not only is Valleyschwag a great marketing idea, but so far has proved to be a great service. Here’s a breakdown of the goodies:
- A very cool MovableType hat & key-chain/necklace thing.
- the signature Ruby Red t-shirt.
- A TypePad t-shirt. (Seems Six Apart really likes this schwag thing.)
- A pack of puzzle cards from PerplexCity.
- A pencil from LiveJournal.
- Stickers from: FeedBurner, EFF, and Goatse.
- A temporary tattoo from abazab.
For $14.99, this is a great deal, the hat alone made it worth it (the hat is definitely my favorite piece). Yeah, it’s official, I’m a fan.